
Buck Moth Spraying

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Buck Moth Spraying Registration Form

Our prices are $190 first tree and $90 each additional.


The buck moth is a common insect found in oak trees, stretching in the United States from peninsular Florida to New England, and as far west as Texas and Kansas. The larvae typically emerge in a single generation in the spring.The larvae are covered in hollow spines that are attached to a poison sac. The poison can cause symptoms ranging from stinging, itching and burning sensations to nausea. The larvae feed on various oaks including scrub oak, live oak, blackjack oak, white oak, and dwarf chinquapin oak.
Eggs are typically laid in spiral clusters on oak twigs. Mature larvae enter the soil or leaf litter to pupate in late July and emerge between October and the following February as moths to mate and lay eggs. In Louisiana where use of live oaks as street trees is extensive, the caterpillars can become a significant nuisance for humans. With proper treatment the risk of this nuisance can be reduced. Trees can not be sprayed until caterpillars have hatched.

Please fill out the form below and return to us to register for our buckmoth spraying services. The first tree to be treated is $190 with each additional tree treated at the same time is $90. Treatments will be scheduled first contact first scheduled. We will call to schedule so that animals can be put away and other precautions needed can be addressed. Don't take the RISK of being stung register today!


Service Location Information

Phone Numbers

*At least one phone number is required. This is the number you will be contacted by to schedule your service.

Billing Information

Same as Service Location

Service Location Details

Specify the number of Trees to service in following areas:

Outside Pets
Fish Ponds
Locked Gates
I would like an arborist to evaluate my property at no charge:

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